  • Physical address:
    500 South Fillmore,
    Suite 302A Amarillo,
    TX 79101

    Phone: (806) 379-2817
    Fax: (806) 379-2829

    Email: jp4@co.potter.tx.us

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Justice of the Peace - Precinct Four
Honorable Judge Thomas Jones
Notice to Vacate
Small Claims Petition
Certificate of Last Known Address
Occupational Drivers License Petition
Military Affidavit
Sworn Statement of Inability

Alternatives To Payment of Fines and Costs

Make a Payment Online

Certified Payments


Justice of The Peace - Precinct Four - Potter County, Texas

Reporting Information for Jurors summoned for:

Date: Time: Appear:
5\3\23 9:00AM NO

You must mail the reply portion of your jury summons whether you are required to appear or not.

Please contact the court after 4:00 p.m. the day before you are called to appear to verify the status of the jury panel, as cancellations do happen at the last minute.

Phone: (806) 379-2817