Purchasing Department
Potter County Purchasing Department
Our goal is to ensure Potter County taxpayers receive the maximum value for every expenditure and all purchases be conducted in a manner that preserves the public trust. Toward that goal, we encourage qualified vendors to participate in doing business with Potter County.

About the Department:

The department is located in the Historical Santa Fe Building in downtown Amarillo.
Operating hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The mission of the Potter County Purchasing Department is to:

  1. Ensure compliance with the County Purchasing Act as well as other state and federal laws applying to county purchasing.
  2. Provide equal access to all vendors participating through competitive acquisition of goods and services
  3. Conduct the procurement process in a manner that promotes and foster public confidence in the integrity of the County procurement procedures.
  4. Protect the interests of Potter County taxpayers without regard to any undue influence or political pressures

2017 Award Winners
Vendor Registration

Purchasing Department Links:
Bid Opportunities
How to Do Business with Potter County
Online Surplus Auction
Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Conflict of Interest Questionnaire 
Contact Us